These three little words that I posted on Facebook evoked a lot of emotions. Jericho's life matters. Why did I post those words?? Reality, Jericho had emergency surgery on July 8th. As I am writing this, he is still in PICU on a vent with no end in near sight. He is one sick boy, not a little boy, but soon to be an 18 year old man. I felt that the ones who should care about Jericho, did not. I felt that the ones that should be visiting Jericho were not. Bottom line, I spoke out as a mom in pain, hurting and tired. But you know what, God is in control. A wonderful person reminded me not to let negative thoughts enter my mind. She was and is right, but still, Jericho's life matters.
Jericho has Cornelia de Lange. He also has PICA. PICA is what put him here. It is the uncontrolled need to eat things that are non food items. We spend each and every day pulling things out of Jericho's mouth. Even the younger kids know to holler when they see Jericho trying to eat something. It is not uncommon to get school notes documenting just what all they see that he has eaten.....I am sure you understand what I mean. In all these years, Jericho has never once had to go to the doctor for eating non food items.
What made this time so different?? Why did Jericho become so sick and so weak?? Why are we now sitting in a hospital, day after day waiting for Jericho's little body to turn this mess around???
Yes, you read that right. Stinkin little toy magnets. This time what was different was Jericho managed to find some of the other kids magnets. These are toys I have bought. They are easier to build with. They are fun. They are colorful. They are shiny. They can kill. Jericho ate a bunch of them. One started down the intestinal track, then another followed. They did what magnets do. They clamped together and kinked the bowel, stoping it from working. In the short few days, before we got to the hospital, Jericho had a bowel obstruction, pneumonia and a total of 28 items in his stomach.
Who knew??? We did not know. We are very proactive in caring for our children, but again, who knew???
Back to the beginning........Jericho's life matters.
His family loves him. He has friends who love him. He has a "girlfriend" who totally adores him. He is mystical and magical. He has a mind that fascinates many.
This will be used as a way to educate many. Jericho will recover. In time we will move on. I hope we will be better because of what this has taught us. Jericho will still have PICA. He will still eat non food items. But the greatest of all.....Jericho's Life Matters. God is in control.