Merrill and I have entered a new dimension in this process of adopting children, it is about Birth Parents. I have come to feel that no matter what you know about a certain subject, there is always so much more to learn. We have actually dealt with birth parents before now. We have had open adoptions, legal risk placements where the birth parents were still involved, and for that matter, birth parents that were involved with a few of the children that we only fostered. All in all, the dealings have been okay. Until now. One of our adult sons has had some ongoing legal and mental problems. To be honest, it has just gotten to the point where we did not even have a clue how to help him any longer. This is a harsh reality to even have to look at as parents. One of his former foster parents has really never been supportive of the adoption of he and his siblings. She withheld all of their pictures taken during the five years she had the children. It was hard as we tried to help them...
Merrill and I thought we would teach our children about the world, instead we are teaching the world about our children.