What a day filled with mixed emotions. April 16. For all of my life, that was and of course still is my daddy's birthday. Just this year we were not celebrating it with him here on earth. My guess is they do not celebrate earthly birthday's in Heaven, but I know that I thought about him and said Happy Birthday to him just the same. April 16 will just never be the same. Now, something wonderful happened and who knows, maybe my daddy had a hand in it....at least I would like to think so. :o) We got to meet our nearly 10 month old grand daughter for the very first time. Her name is Vicktoria Rose, but everyone calls her Torrie. She is just beautiful and has the most gorgeous blue eyes. I am not sure what it is with this Hispanic combination and my guys. Michael's little girl Haylee looks just like him, but she has her mother's blue eyes. Piercing blue, beautiful blue. Then there is Torrie, she looks like her mom, but has Justin's beautiful blue eyes. It is just unreal ...
Merrill and I thought we would teach our children about the world, instead we are teaching the world about our children.