My Mom, my Mama....She died July 10, 1986. I really miss her every now and then. When my mama passed away Merrill and I had only adopted Michael. She knew how much we wanted children. She knew our dreams and she knew our struggles. As Merrill and I have traveled down this road of adopting children, I have often wondered just what my mom would think about us. Would she be proud of us? Would she think we are so many people do? Would she have loved the children with all that they have going on in their lives.....wondering, wondering, wondering. Then, out of the blue, she sent me the answer to all of my questions. A note from her to me, sent by way of my brother, Bobby. Bobby was reading one of her books that he had. A paper fell out of it. A blank check that she had written a note on the back of it. In her own handwriting, short, sweet and full of everything I needed to know. These are the exact words she had written down... "I'm so proud of you and Merrill and ? ...
Merrill and I thought we would teach our children about the world, instead we are teaching the world about our children.