You gotta love that birthday smile.

It is hard to believe that I get so far behind at times here with our family blog. I love posting and I love knowing that even if people are not commenting here, they are looking. We have had many that will write to us rather than post. It is such a great feeling know that we can inspire people with our family.
Now, all that being said, Joseph turned 8 on the 15th of March. We did not have his birthday party till the 16th. Sometimes it is hard to totally enjoy his party as he can't eat cake or ice cream, he does not have a favorite food as all of his feeding are through a g-button in his abdomen and his formula is what he needs, not what he wants. Oh well, still we have fun.
Here Joseph is getting some much needed help blowing out his candles. Needless to say, McClain and LisaMarie are always ready to do just that. Looks like Merrill is helping also.
Our favorite gift to Joseph was his new to him Special Tomato Chair. Medicaid will not buy him that kind of seating system and it is wonderful. We can roll him around, let him sit with us at the table and the best part is it is also a car seat. That is not the big of a deal if you can sit in a regular car seat or even just the seat of the car with a lap belt. Joseph can not do either, so this was a perfect find for us.
Love, Aunt Tammy