That is what I am going to do this evening. I am carving out some much needed Mommy and Me time with McClain. I am not sure who needs it most, me or him. But, tonight is the night. I am going to surprise him with a movie. He really wants to see, "The Tale of Despereaux" so that is what we are going to do. Since the children are out of school on Friday, I am hoping against hope that he does not have a ton of homework. Let me just say that it is unreal the amount of homework these kids have. He and LisaMarie average an hour a night Monday through Thursday. Part of it is the fact that they have their own issues and so it is harder to just whip it out. Wait, I digressed a wee bit here.
Back to Mommy and Me time. Merrill's Mom has been here since about mid-December. More on that in another post. But, it has required a lot of extra adaptations on the entire families part. McClain has spent all of his time in that wonderful new handheld game of his called a Didj. HE LOVES IT!!!! I say it is time for a break. So tonight is the night. I am so excited about this.
My boy is growing up that is for sure. Maybe that is why I want this evening out with him. Many of you know that he has not had his three top front teeth for almost as long as he has had teeth. I mean he knocked them out right around his second birthday. Well, they are starting to grow in and his face is fast changing. I shall miss that blank area that we have known for so very long.
He also chews on thing....has since he was old enough to chew. His poor Bunny Bunny, he chewed her ears off and he still loves her. He has chewed on so many things. I know many children do this. It is just something inside them that causes them to need to so this. Well, the other day he was chewing on his shirt and I said McClain you are going to ruin you Grave Digger Shirt. He just looked at me as only he can and said "Mom, I know this. I tell my brain to stop but my mouth just says chew, chew chew. So I do"
What can I say??? So tonight, Mommy and Me night.
You are growing up McClain and Mom is learning how to let go. I love you.
Just being McClain....
Lynn and Larry